Thursday 8 April 2010

Paint Scheme 2

Well Monday was a pretty constructive day for me, not only did I find my Grey Knight Terminators buried in the depths of model mountain, I also managed to come up with a colour scheme for the Blood Drinkers that I liked. And it's easy as chips or pie or something...

First off a Mechrite Red was used on top of black primer. And then, Red Ink. And then, done! Say what?? Yeaup, One base of red followed by an ink and the job is done. It's darker than the Blood Angel's traditional red and not as red as the good ol' Khorne Berzerkers.

Glorious Gold from the Vallejo colour range was used for the trim and other details. Chainmail was used on the bolter and misc pipe bits.

Pretty pleased with the outcome. Pics will follow shortly, when I find the wife's camera...

Sunday 4 April 2010

Paint Scheme

I'm not too fond of the Blood Drinkers' yellow trim. I'm considering gold. I'm also not too fond of the orange Blood Angels that I've seen over the years... They're Blood Angels not Del Monte Angels...

So I've been experiementing with colours.

First up was Mechrite Red undercoat, then a layer of Blood Red, Red Ink wash and a final touch up with Blood Red to make it not so blindingly shiny. Btw I'm using Enchanted Green from Coat D'Arms for the eyes. These were as I understand it, the old skool citadel paints.

I'm relatively happy with the result; it's not as I initially feared in that it might turn out as a Khorne Berzerker. But it's not what I'm looking for. Next time I'll try Mechrite Red, Red Ink then a 50:50 mix Blood Red/Mechrite and see what happens.

More Pics:

3rd April 2010 New Codex!

Blood Angels Codex arrives! YASS! Cue dancing and singing... ok, not quite, but at least cue a little 'thumbs up' and a cheeky grin.

Read through most of the fluff and glazed over the rules. Having read White Dwarf 364 I already know what I want and have already got on order the Death Company, Sanguinary Guard and a box of Tactical Marines.

Rules are secondary to me now; having played a Nidzilla army and witnessing the crushing despair of my 30+ Spinegaunts and 6 Carnifexi being worthless in the new Codex, I've decided not to make that mistake again.

I will buy what I think looks cool, paint it and play with it; simple as.

With a mind set on Blood Drinkers I've come up with some ideas. Orloc would be proxied as Mephiston for all intents and purposes. The Blood Drinkers seem closest to the whole 'Vampire' thing going on and with the Chapter Master's name of Orloc we're onto a theme here.

Vampires give the impression of: Close Combat Monster, Good Stats, Special Powers.

Mephiston: Close Combat Monster, Good stats, Special Powers.

No-brainer really.

The First Post

Welcome to Experiences Of A n00b! This blog will be a diarised account of my road to creating a Blood Angels: Blood Drinkers Army.

Being slightly jaded with the new Tyranid Codex and suffering fiasco's such as my dogs eating a good 1000pts of Nids I decided to try something different. I've always liked the visceral action of close combat and having roughly decided on a Marine army the new Blood Angels seem like a no-brainer.

So with very few painting skills behind me I have decided to chronicle my experiences of putting together this army and detailing the good, the bad and the ugly. If one person even gets one idea from this Blog then it will have been a success in my mind.

So without further ado, I give you: Experiences Of A n00b!