Thursday 8 April 2010

Paint Scheme 2

Well Monday was a pretty constructive day for me, not only did I find my Grey Knight Terminators buried in the depths of model mountain, I also managed to come up with a colour scheme for the Blood Drinkers that I liked. And it's easy as chips or pie or something...

First off a Mechrite Red was used on top of black primer. And then, Red Ink. And then, done! Say what?? Yeaup, One base of red followed by an ink and the job is done. It's darker than the Blood Angel's traditional red and not as red as the good ol' Khorne Berzerkers.

Glorious Gold from the Vallejo colour range was used for the trim and other details. Chainmail was used on the bolter and misc pipe bits.

Pretty pleased with the outcome. Pics will follow shortly, when I find the wife's camera...

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