Sunday 4 April 2010

3rd April 2010 New Codex!

Blood Angels Codex arrives! YASS! Cue dancing and singing... ok, not quite, but at least cue a little 'thumbs up' and a cheeky grin.

Read through most of the fluff and glazed over the rules. Having read White Dwarf 364 I already know what I want and have already got on order the Death Company, Sanguinary Guard and a box of Tactical Marines.

Rules are secondary to me now; having played a Nidzilla army and witnessing the crushing despair of my 30+ Spinegaunts and 6 Carnifexi being worthless in the new Codex, I've decided not to make that mistake again.

I will buy what I think looks cool, paint it and play with it; simple as.

With a mind set on Blood Drinkers I've come up with some ideas. Orloc would be proxied as Mephiston for all intents and purposes. The Blood Drinkers seem closest to the whole 'Vampire' thing going on and with the Chapter Master's name of Orloc we're onto a theme here.

Vampires give the impression of: Close Combat Monster, Good Stats, Special Powers.

Mephiston: Close Combat Monster, Good stats, Special Powers.

No-brainer really.

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