Sunday 4 April 2010

Paint Scheme

I'm not too fond of the Blood Drinkers' yellow trim. I'm considering gold. I'm also not too fond of the orange Blood Angels that I've seen over the years... They're Blood Angels not Del Monte Angels...

So I've been experiementing with colours.

First up was Mechrite Red undercoat, then a layer of Blood Red, Red Ink wash and a final touch up with Blood Red to make it not so blindingly shiny. Btw I'm using Enchanted Green from Coat D'Arms for the eyes. These were as I understand it, the old skool citadel paints.

I'm relatively happy with the result; it's not as I initially feared in that it might turn out as a Khorne Berzerker. But it's not what I'm looking for. Next time I'll try Mechrite Red, Red Ink then a 50:50 mix Blood Red/Mechrite and see what happens.

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